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What happens when my SIM expires or my allowance is depleted?

You can refill /top-up the data bundle at any time. The refill is immediate, meaning that the data becomes available to you in real-time. You can also choose to automatically refill when your data is consumed by ensuring that the auto-refill option is turned ON.

When you manually refill a data plan, the remaining data will be rolled over. For example, if you have 5GB of data remaining and refill the plan with another 5GB of data, your total after the refill will be 10GB.

Refilling a data plan resets the plans expiration. For example, if you refill a 30 day plan after 20 days, the plan will reset to 30 days after the refill is completed.

Which devices work with Wave Connect SIM cards?

Please note that our SIM cards are data-only. Some GPS trackers and other devices require an SMS message - these devices will not work with our SIM cards.

Wave Connect data SIM cards are compatible with a wide range of devices that have a SIM card slot. This means that mobile phones, tablets, PCs, watches, pet trackers, security cameras, trail and game cameras for hunting, 4G routers, GPS devices, car locators, and more can all make use of the seamless connectivity provided by Wave Connect. Whether you're a tech-savvy individual looking to connect your smartphone or a professional seeking to track your pet's activities, Wave Connect has you covered.

Does it come with a warranty?

Yes we provide a 10 year replacement warranty if your SIM card is damaged and needs replacing.

When does the valid period start?

The days start counting the moment the SIM makes a connection with the network.

For example, if you have purchased a 30-day plan, hold the card without using it for 2 weeks and then connect to a network on the 1st of the month, the plan will expire on the 30th of the month.


What happens if my device doesn't work?

If your device doesn't work and you have not used any data, we will provide a refund.

Is my connection throttled?

All Wave Connect plans include a “Zero speed throttling” guarantee as standard. That means that we will never reduce the speed of your connection - unless you request us to.

Why is my connection slow? 🐌

There could be several reasons why your mobile data speed is slow, including how many users are utilising your internal network, exterior network congestion, geographical location, how many users are connected to the same cell tower, and the device you are using. Additionally, factors such as the number of apps running in the background, the type of website or content you are accessing, and the time of day can also affect your data speed.
Whilst we provide a Zero speed throttling guarantee, we cannot guarantee a certain minimum speed - it's down to the network operator and cell tower.
If you are experiencing consistently slow data speeds, you can try some troubleshooting steps, such as resetting your device, checking for software updates, or moving to an area with better network coverage. If the issue persists, please contact our support team.

Requesting speed throttling

With some SIM cards, we have the ability to reduce the connection speed or stop the connection. This is useful when you want to limit your monthly spend and ensure you stay within budget. You can also receive notifications when you reach a certain GB use. Learn more about setting this up in the portal.

What SIM card sizes are provided?

Our physical SIM cards are available in three different sizes: standard, micro, and nano. This triple pre-cut feature ensures compatibility with a wide range of wireless devices. You can easily punch out the size you need, making it a convenient and user-friendly option.

Wave Connect also provides eSIM cards on request.

What's the returns policy?

If you are unable to use the data plan and have not activated the card we will provide a full refund. For cards that have consumed data we will provide a full refund minus the utilised data cost.

How fast is shipping?

We use Amazon logistics to fulfil most orders so generally this takes between 2 - 5 days. Where Amazon logistics is unavailable these times may vary.