Autonomous vehicles: IoT data. One SIM, one central platform

Written by
Matthew Bingham
What data plans do I need for self driving autonomous vehicles? How can I manage all my cards? Learn more at Wave Connect
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Autonomous vehicles are transforming the way people move. From autonomous cars and self-driving buses to smart drones and last-mile delivery bots, technology has made a big impact on the transportation industry. But for businesses to operate efficiently and safely, they need reliable internet connectivity. To achieve this, many companies have turned to IoT data SIM cards and plans. With the right IoT data SIM card and plan, autonomous vehicle providers can unlock their full potential.

Autonomous bus with advanved traffic 3D graphic

Introduction to Autonomous Vehicles with IoT Data SIM Cards and Plans

Autonomous vehicles use sensors, cameras, and other technologies to detect their surroundings and navigate without the need for a human driver. These vehicles are capable of driving themselves, navigating around obstacles, and making decisions based on their environment. Autonomous vehicles are revolutionising the way people move, and with the right IoT data SIM card and plan, they can enable even more efficient and safe operations.

IoT data SIM cards and plans enable autonomous vehicles to access the internet. These cards provide reliable and secure internet connectivity, allowing the vehicles to communicate with each other and with their environment. With a data SIM card and plan, manufacturers can access the vehicle's real-time data, such as traffic conditions, weather conditions, position and more. This data can then be used to make smart decisions and improve efficiency and safety.

Benefits of Autonomous Vehicles with IoT Data SIM Cards and Plans

Autonomous vehicles with IoT data SIM cards and plans have numerous benefits. Here are some of the most important:

  1. Reduced pricing: Choosing the correct IoT data plan can reduce overall operational costs across an entire fleet.
  2. Enhanced features: Newer version IoT SIM cards include technology that enables remote provisioning of eSIM profiles, and can failover to operators whilst using a single SIM.
  3. Improved safety: Autonomous vehicles with IoT data SIM cards and plans are more likely to avoid accidents and collisions. The real-time data they access can help them make smarter decisions and navigate around potential hazards.
  4. Increased efficiency: Autonomous vehicles with IoT data SIM cards and plans can make more efficient use of their time and resources. They can access data about traffic conditions, weather conditions, and other factors to choose the most efficient route and avoid delays.
  5. Reduced emissions: Autonomous vehicles with IoT data SIM cards and plans can help reduce emissions by choosing the most efficient route and using the most efficient driving style.
  6. Improved rider experience: Autonomous vehicles with IoT data SIM cards and plans can provide riders with a better experience. They can access real-time data about the vehicle’s location and condition, allowing riders to make informed decisions and stay informed about their ride.

Types of Data SIM Cards for Autonomous Vehicles

There are several types of data SIM cards available for autonomous vehicles with the most common type being standard and enhanced.

Standard SIM cards are used by consumers and businesses when they require internet connectivity but do not need additional features.

  1. Standard cards are not certified for roaming
  2. Standard cards may operate at a reduced bandwidth
  3. Standard cards cannot be controlled via a dashboard or API

Enhanced SIM cards introduce additional features such as:

  1. Certified roaming: Full-speed access regardless or location.
  2. Throttling options: Zero throttling is a default setting, however, businesses requiring throttling can take advantage of this option. This is useful for telemetrics-only, or plans that are sold as a bundle.
  3. eSIM provisioning: Version 3 cards can embed eSIM profiles over the air without the need for intervention. Useful if you need a local carrier profile.
  4. Failover on a single SIM: With eSIM provisioning comes the option to failover to a completely separate network architecture should the profile fail.
  5. Pooled shared data: Purchase a large amount of data and share it amongst an unlimited amount of SIM cards.
  6. Fleet card management: Control and report on all SIM cards on your account from a single login.

IoT Vehicle Data Plans

In addition to data SIM cards, autonomous vehicles need an IoT vehicle data plan. IoT vehicle data plans provide internet connectivity for autonomous vehicles. They can be tailored to the needs of the vehicle and the environment, providing reliable and secure internet connectivity for the vehicle.

IoT vehicle data plans come in different packages. Some providers offer basic packages with limited data, while others offer more comprehensive plans with unlimited data. Wave Connect offers flexible options such as pay-as-you-go (pay per GB), and bundled data - all fleet plans are bespoke to the opportunity.

Setting Up an IoT Data Plan for Autonomous Vehicles

Setting up an IoT data plan for autonomous vehicles is relatively easy. The first step is to choose a provider. There are several providers out there, so it’s important to research the different options and choose the one that best suits the needs of the autonomous vehicle.

Once the provider is selected, the next step is to set up the IoT data plan. This involves selecting the type of plan, the data limits, and any other preferences. The provider will then provide the data SIM card and instructions on how to install it in the autonomous vehicle.

IoT Data Management for Autonomous Vehicles

Once the data plan is set up, it’s important to manage the data effectively. IoT data management involves monitoring the data usage and ensuring that the data plan is being used efficiently. It’s also important to keep track of the data usage to ensure that the data plan is not exceeded. And if the plan is exceeded, what is the out-of-bundle cost?

There are several tools and services available to help manage the data. These tools can be used to track data usage, monitor data usage, and send notifications to ensure that the maximum return on investment is realised.

IoT Security and Privacy for Autonomous Vehicles

IoT security and privacy are important for autonomous vehicles. Autonomous vehicles are connected to the internet, and it’s important to ensure that the data is secure. Several measures can be taken to ensure the security and privacy of the data.

The first step is to use a secure data SIM card which is usually standard with an IoT-enhanced card. Secure data SIM cards are designed to protect the data and prevent unauthorised access. It’s important to choose a secure data SIM card that meets the needs of the autonomous vehicle.

The next step is to use secure communication protocols. Secure communication protocols are designed to protect the data and prevent unauthorised access.

Finally, it’s important to use secure data storage. Secure data storage is designed to protect the data and prevent unauthorised access.


Autonomous vehicles are transforming the way people move. But for these vehicles to operate efficiently and safely, they need reliable internet connectivity. To achieve this, many companies have turned to IoT data SIM cards and plans. With the right IoT data SIM card and plan, autonomous vehicles can unlock their full potential. Wave Connect IoT data SIM cards for autonomous vehicles are a perfect choice, as they are built to provide the highest levels of security and reliability.

Autonomous vehicle data plans

Learn more about Wave Connect self driving autonomous vehicle data plans and SIM cards.