UK Quad Network 6 GB / 365 Tage
UK Quad Network 6 GB / 365 Tage
Bleiben Sie ein ganzes Jahr lang in Verbindung mit dem 6GB-Datenpaket von UK Quad Network, das bei ee, o2, three, vodafone und den wichtigsten europäischen Netzen erhältlich ist. Mit der Option, das Paket jederzeit aufzuladen, genießen Sie hervorragende Konnektivität und haben nie zu wenig Daten. Durch das Aufladen wird die 12-monatige Laufzeit des Plans zurückgesetzt.
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Our UK plan covers the UK and following countries using most major networks:
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden
Enthaltene SIM-Größen
Enthaltene SIM-Größen
3-in-1 (standard, micro, nano)
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£24.99 GBP
6.0 GB (6144MB)
365TAGE Zum Zurücksetzen jederzeit nachfüllen
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10 % Rabatt bei Wahl der automatischen Aufladung
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Sie helfen dem Planeten
Bei Wave Connect Wir glauben daran, dass ein Unternehmen gewinnorientiert und zielorientiert geführt werden sollte. Deshalb geht 1 % jedes Kaufs an die Hilfe, diesen Planeten für uns und zukünftige Generationen zu einem besseren Ort zu machen.
I ordered this to put in an older phone for my elderly parents, so that they have connection in emergencies. They don’t use a mobile per se, and their credit on previous sims always expired due to lack of use, leaving them vulnerable without data. This sim means I don’t have to worry about them for a full year now, and 6 GB will be more than enough data.
Set up was very easy and the phone worked straightaway. The other good thing is that I’d switched between providers, so there’s far less chance of ending up in a dead spot.
These sims are also ideal if travelling around Europe and work out a lot cheaper than your providers daily rate.
Great concept, great value. Would recommend.
I’ve been using this data-only SIM for a little while now, and I must say it’s been incredibly useful. The setup was straightforward—no registration required, though you can register if you want to check data usage or set up auto-renewal, but I haven’t found that necessary. I popped it into my device, and within a minute, I was connected to the best network available in my area.
One of the main reasons I love this SIM is for backup internet when my main broadband goes down. It works perfectly as a hotspot, and if you have a compatible router, it can switch over to 4G or 5G automatically, keeping you connected without hassle. It's particularly handy for keeping important devices online, though I do have to keep an eye on data usage to avoid hitting the limit.
It’s also a great option for travel, both within the UK and across Europe. It works in most places without roaming charges, making it ideal for visitors or for anyone who wants a reliable, affordable data source when travelling abroad. The 6GB of data lasts for an entire year, which is far longer than typical SIMs, and it’s perfect for devices with low data requirements, like my GPS tracker and outdoor cameras.
Although it doesn’t support calls or texts, that’s no big deal for me since most people use data-based communication methods these days. What I appreciate most is the convenience, no-fuss setup, and multi-network capability. It’s an excellent backup option, especially for emergency use, GPS-enabled devices, or low-data requirements like alarms or vehicle trackers.
While it may not be the best value for heavy data users, for anyone needing occasional data or peace of mind with an emergency backup, this SIM is a fantastic, versatile option.
This product comes in a cardboard envelope, and inside the envelope, you’ll find the SIM card. As of reviewing this product, it is priced at £24.99 - I think this is very good.
it is just over £4 per GB, the fact that it lasts for the full 12 months works out at around £2 per month.
This SIM has two main benefits: either as a backup SIM when travelling in the EU for holidays, using it multiple times within the 12 months, depending on how much you use. The other benefit is using remote cameras or a tracker in your car.
I like that you insert the SIM into your device and it just works. You can download the mobile app for a smartphone to check your remaining allowances.
I recommend this product.
A great value pack considering 365 day sims can cost upwards of £40. The sim worked as soon as I popped it in my phone and signal seemed to be good around the areas where reception is often poor for certain networks. As such, being able to piggy back off all networks is a major advantage when travelling. I tried this in a phone as well as a portable WiFi router and had no problems. I think this sim would also work great in an outdoor wireless LTE camera too and I think this sim may just be destined for this purpose. All in all a good value sim card that ensures you have data wherever you go all year round.
Not the best value when you think about it but does have vital use cases.
As a normal consumer this works out rather expensive for 6gb of data if you look at this from an amount of data only, where this does play its advantages is that this 6gb of data can be consumed at any point in the 365 days which you will not find on any normal sim only deal, plus the fact it has agreements with the major network providers to switch to the best signal provider gives this a whole lot of redundancy.
This is more suited for emergency use cases like alarm systems or elderly pull cord systems that are fitted in by a family who is taking care of a relative where the total amount of data used would gall way below the total 6gb available without having to worry about monthly contracts.
If you can work out the amount of data you may requer in the 365 days and want peace of mind and assurance of surface then this makes real sense and good value, your use case would have to be specific for you to need one of these sim card deals but as said you can not find this kind of service form anywhere else so is a 5 star product.
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SUPERSCHNELLMit Expressversand
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